London's dominant industries and institutions have failed over time to invest, promote, and exploit
London's dominant industries and institutions have failed to invest, promote, and exploit growth and jobs for their graduates. These businesses, which derive great tax and services benefit from being supported by this communitiy, fail miserably at applying their collective intelligence and wealth to finding and developing new startup businesses and cultural opportunites that would attract or keep young minds. Where is the UWO and Fanshawe committment to this city off campus. Why is the medical and health industry that finds much of it's root research and development in this city not exploiting further businesses along this food chain in the community from which it sprouted. Manufacturing companies may bring tax dollars and jobs, but they don't keep or attract young minds and inspired populations.

Mr. Johnny commented
UWO is looking over our collective heads to greener pastures in the US and overseas. So much easier to sign a royalty agreement with a multi-national than to do the hard slogging involved with a startup here in London. Even tougher to pry a tenured researcher out of academia to be a partner in a local start-up company, although our American friends seem to be encouraged to do so at their institutions. Apparently it's not the smell of money that is offensive to UWO but the idea of the hands-on work or perhaps being seen publicly doing the hand's-on work to generate the money, is? This must change.
manny_santos commented
Having attended both Western and Fanshawe, I would say Fanshawe is much more connected with local businesses and providing talent to businesses in London and area, compared with Western. Aside from the hospitals, I never really saw a relationship between Western and local businesses.