Both the market and state have failed Londoners. Change happens from the bottom up.
We need to revitalize civic society and revitalization begins from the bottom up through civil association.
London needs more small businesses, neighbourhood shops and a more diverse economic base. Economic problems that cities such as Detroit and Windsor face are due to reliance on a narrow base of big businesses.
We also need to be proud of our greenspace. Zoning bylaws should be changed to accommodate more urban agriculture and urban forests. People should be encouraged to drive less through more subsidization of public transit and walkways.
We need stronger neigbourhoods with strong civic associations and local institutions ranging anywhere from charitable organizations, credit unions, Co-ops, local shops, to churches.
Part of encouraging that feeling of community is encouraging home-ownership. Owning a home is critical in making people feel part of a community and wanting to contribute to a community.
Poverty in this city can be greatly reduced if we make it easier for non-profits and charities to do their work. Social enterprises, and Co-ops are among the more innovative ideas that have a proven record of working.
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