A Project that would forever change London's Image
There is no greater symbol of London's inabilty to "Get with it" than the freight trains that run through the centre of our city. The CP rail line should be rerouted around the city and replaced by an elevated monorail running from the Hyde Park area to the airport with a downtown station at the Selby building on Richmond Street. This would provide an east/west transit corridor that could also include walking and bike paths. The next time you are stuck in traffic waiting for a train just visualize a sleek vehicle gliding above the freight with tourists waving and commuters texting.
Londonstudent commented
I wish, its never going to happen with our city council. I will pray though.
bye bye railway hello transit commented
i agree however a ditch below ground with concrete walls at some
intersections would be less expensive than monorail. Talk about gentrification
evryone would want to live, work ,shop along the new transit corridor.
Tie it into the new factories at VMP and 401 ?