Free Wifi Downtown and Cheap Art Spaces
The internet is a utility and people in downtown/old south/ old east London/ could use this to encourage innovation, communication, and attract businesses to the core. Also as a part of this we need more art/performance spaces that are inexpensive for artists to use. One of the amazing things about cities like Edmonton, Kitchener/Waterloo, Kingston, is that they create the spaces for their artists to work and show their work. Nuit Blanche this last weekend was a great example of what happens when the arts are out in public and are easy for the artists and public to access. But many businesses were closed. Why? If artists attract people, and they do, then business can use that for their benefit. So we have a free utility, Internet, combined with inexpensive and accessible art spaces, feeding businesses in the downtown bringing more people into the downtown and not leaving right after - like the JLC.