Restore the Festive Atmosphere
Give families a reason to come downtown, clean-up the Forks of the Thames, aid, promote and restore the summer festivals we've lost (Like the Childrens and Balloon festival).
Thatguyinlondon commented
As London's great festivals became more commercialized, my interest dwindled away to nothing.
Dave commented
You people are funny! Bring back festivals.....this city does NOTHING for festivals. Did you know Tourism London does not assist in funding ANY festivals in London?? Thats right, Sunfest, Home County (which shouldn't be listed as a festival, it should be listed as a craft fair!), Bluesfest, Rock the Park, etc, get NOTHING from Tourism seems their money only goes to white elephants like orchestra London (which is a joke) nad the convention centre....
clabbert commented
I went to the Home County Folk Festival for years. The City ruined it's uniqueness by first allowing SunFest (which I also enjoy) to immediately precede the Home Counties and thereby drain off a large number of visitors. The second big city mistake was having someone redesign Victoria Park into a go-cart track without taking into account in any way how that park is used on a regular basis. They took away several major sidewalks which reduced the number of craft booths and a lot of people go to the Home Counties for the crafts. We need to put Victoria Park back to it's original state and quit trying to redesign the wheel.
Mike Knoll commented
remember the Canadian Comedy Festival? Winnipeg has really taken it and run with it like London never did. we deserved to lose it.
Jennifer O'Brien commented
Love the festivals! There has been a slow and sad demise of festivals in this city that once prided itself - and rightly so - on the great festivals that filled its parks all summer. What can we do to bring them back? Bring people back? These are the types of events that give us an identity and help us drag our out-of-town friends for visits. . .
Gina commented
Childrens Festival - YES!!
Balloon Festival - YES!!
Taste of London - YES!!