LTC Refunds when the bus is 5 minutes late or FULL.
Western and Fanshawe students, arguably the LTC's best customers shouldn't be paying to wait.
I've had countless times where trips to University for important meetings, assignments, due dates, etc were botched because the bus was full or late.
So frustrating.
If the LTC is incapable of serving us, the customers, we deserve a refund for each trip they fail to provide.

Sangay commented
Oh god, don't give LTC drivers more reasons to drive like crazy russian Toronto cab drivers! LTC drivers are the WORST I have ever seen. It is a daily game of life or death when dealing with LTC drivers. Good idea, but don't make drivers do more stupid things while driving their monster buses!
Gina commented
I would say that post-secondary students are the most frequent customers of the LTC, but certainly not the best. Considering the price they pay (oh wait, do they??) and the typical rudeness they exhude the LTC could do without them.
Aren't the student's bus passes included in their tuition anyways - what's the LTC going to do - cut a cheque to UWO and Fanshawe? This just doesn't make sense at all - except from the perspective of a broke student.
Jack Tripper commented
What they need to do is have more buses leaving the downtown during rush hour. I've lost count of the amount of times when I've seen at least five buses in a row all "out of service". Why not have at least one or two of them as a short turn bus that cuts out at Dundas/Highbury?
Instead, they pack us in like sardines into the few buses that actually are in service. This is wreckless and just plain careless on the part of LTC.
I did call and suggest they do this, but I was given an excuse of "It wouldn't be economically feasable" to so.
Craig Hunter commented
Other cities do this so why can't we?