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12 results found
9 votes
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58 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Sangay commented
This is a big one actually! London has NO tourism industry. JLC is NOT a draw for the core-at best it helps the odd bar or restaurant for a few hours, but nothing else comes from it. We need a bit, long term, permanant tourism icon to bring people to the city and hopefully the downtown. Until that happens, London is just a place where you work, drive home from work, and drive to the malls to shop. Sorry folks- London is car addictied and has NO tourism draw. Lets fix that!
Sangay supported this idea ·
19 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Sangay commented
Leave the metal trees, but plant many many many many many more real trees.
26 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Sangay commented
OOOOOOOH GOD NOOOOOOOOOOO! This is the last thing you want in your downtown. The days of The Bay, Eatons, Simpon stores being anchors is over. Big box stores such as Wal Crap, Target and the likes mark the final end to a downtown area. Read the evidence all over the US where just this thing has been tried. Look at downtown Chatham-tore down small bizs, put up mall, added Sears and tadaaa- downtown is void of life and businesses and the mall is toast too. Big box stores add negative value to your city, no matter where they set up, and if you want to destroy any downtown zone- just add Wal Crap and stir.....
139 votes
The idea of free parking in London’s downtown is a good one. It could bring people to the city’s core and encourage the commerce business owners need. LFP will explore the pros and cons of this divisive issue in the weeks to come.
An error occurred while saving the comment Sangay commented
The solution for the public to understand this complicate issue is this: Bylaw to require Malls to pay $x.xx per space in annual fee's and thus offset this with exit parking fee's to customers. Levels the playing field vs downtown area, can reduce the costs on meters charged if you make malls pay for their parking lots AND creates an awareness of the high cost to the public infrastructure i.e. sewers/roads, that these huge lots cost the tax payer. What you think these large parking lots are free? Duh- they come with a large public cost via tax payers to maintain the systems that allow them to exist.
100 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Sangay commented
This would be a great idea, except for the London addiciton to it's cars and it's desire to build more housing further and further into the countryside instead of destroying old buildings and infilling the brownfields. However, should a mayor decide that instead of building industrial land along the 401 he shoudl build a RBT or LRT to help reduce traffic problems, then you have a good idea. Fontana won't- he loves big projects that create big press releases. LRT/RBT ain't sexy enough for Joe. So put this onto the 2050 list at earliest~and by then it will be too late.
Sangay supported this idea ·
84 votes
Sangay supported this idea ·
101 votes
Sangay supported this idea ·
63 votes
Sangay supported this idea ·
71 votes
Sangay supported this idea ·
17 votes
Sangay supported this idea ·
76 votes
Sangay supported this idea ·
Oh god, don't give LTC drivers more reasons to drive like crazy russian Toronto cab drivers! LTC drivers are the WORST I have ever seen. It is a daily game of life or death when dealing with LTC drivers. Good idea, but don't make drivers do more stupid things while driving their monster buses!