Family Entertainment opportunities in East London - similar to Storybook, Adventures on Wonderland
It's a pain to have to drive for 25 minutes to do something extra special with a family. West London has Adventures on Wonderland, Kidscape, Storybook Gardens, the Aquatic Center, Springbank Park. What does East London have? Kiwanis Park - yehaw! Bring in something to entertain the families of East London so we don't have to drive all over the place. Give us something fun!
2424 commented
agree, north, south, and west, have big malls, sports parks, entertainment for familys, and we get a walmart, our kids have nothing to do in the east end. If we keep them busy they will stay out of trouble.
stephknows commented
I love this suggestion. London is too big to only have one area that offers huge entertainment opportunities. I think this would also be a way to clean up the old part of East London to make it a safer place for families.