Why is it that in DT London, where we are supposed to be promoting local shops and restaurants, a Jack Astors has just opened up on the corner of Richmond and Central? What's worse than that? Apparently right across the street where Mongolian Grill used to be, a Boston Pizza is opening up.
So while independent business owners are struggling to provide good service and keep business, these corporate chains are just laughing.
How is that fair?
GreatTallNorth2 commented
Here is my explanation - you cannot stop chain restaurants from opening up anywhere, including downtown. We live in a free society and if a chain wants to open up, they can. Proposing a law to stop a chain restaurant from opening downtown? We would be the laughing stock of the world. The more chains that open, we will see better quality independent restaurants and more diversity. I'm not saying that we as Londoners shouldn't support independents. I'm saying that stopping chains from coming is a terrible, terrible idea that won't fly with anyone.
manny_santos commented
In all fairness GreatTallNorth2, you should explain your reasoning. Stephknows may be on to something.
stephknows commented
I love how you just dismiss it by calling it a "dumb idea" with no backing what-so ever. Explain yourself properly.
GreatTallNorth2 commented
dumb idea, next please.